The Križevci College of Agriculture (KCA) is the oldest agricultural institution of higher learning in Croatia, founded in 1860. KCA is organized as an integrated legal unit which delivers Bachelor and Master courses adapted to the Bologna process, as well as tailor-made short courses. The basic mission of the College today is to provide leadership regionally and internationally through professionally oriented higher education and training and to create and disseminate knowledge of agricultural, environmental and economic systems to students, industry and society.

Erasmus Charter ID 255228-LA-1-2014-1-HR-E4AKA1-ECHE

Erasmus ID code: HR KRIZEVC01

PIC 949341523

Erasmus Policy Statement (Overall Strategy)

The Institution agrees to publish this overall strategy (all three parts) on its website within one month after the signature of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education by the European Commission.

Please describe your institution's international (EU and non-EU) strategy. In your description please explain a) how you choose your partners, b) in which geographical area(s) and c) the most important objectives and target groups of your mobility activities (with regard to staff and students in first, second and third cycles, including study and training, and short cycles). If applicable, also explain how your institution participates in the development of double/multiple/joint degrees.

KCA international (EU and non-EU) strategy

KCA has embodied its aspiration towards internationalisation and modernisation into its Development Strategy by outlining a strategic goal by which it will become a dynamic college actively involved in the EU and non-EU Higher Education Area, which systematically fosters staff and student mobility, joint courses, participation in international cooperation projects, strategic partnerships, knowledge alliances, capacity building and networking.

KCA degree study courses are designed in a way that one academic year of two semesters corresponds to 60 ECTS credits, which is mostly the same in the EU HE institutions, thus facilitating recognition. Recognition of credits for academic work as well as for work placement is carried out at any of the ECTS partner institution under prior agreement, following the accepted procedure at KCA.

The courses are structured within modular framework, and credits are allocated to different levels of courses against a standard Bologna model of 60 ECTS credits per year. Since 2005, the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), the three cycle system and the Diploma Supplement were introduced. These changes have facilitated the recognition of courses and modules and final work placements for students participating in mobility programmes. In order to support staff mobility, KCA will certify and acknowledge it by including training period and achieved mobility outcomes into the Employee Portfolio.

KCA Development Strategy outlines the following objectives and activities that KCA wants to achieve through international cooperation:

    To sign agreements on cooperation with institutions from the region which have strategic importance for the College
    Direct cooperation with HE institutions from abroad in delivering joint study programmes or organising workshops
    To adapt modules to similar ones at the agricultural or similar HE institutions abroad
    To achieve an appropriate level of international staff mobility through stimulation of incoming and outgoing staff mobility - staff training abroad
    Use of pre-accession funds and structural funds to develop one’s own competitiveness

In line with this strategic document, KCA has in recent years achieved successful contacts with many European higher education institutions, primarily due to EU funded projects like TEMPUS, membership in several European associations and assistance of Croatian ministries and some embassies and foreign cultural forums which are located in Zagreb and personal contact of its staff, especially the vice dean/later coordinator (Renata Husinec) for international cooperation.

The cooperation is realised due to the attention paid to European dimension in the study programmes and implementation of European educational documents and improvements of the existing studies in order to increase mobility of staff, students and study programmes. Among other things, two foreign languages (English and German) are part of the curriculum with an emphasis on LSP (Language for Specific Purposes) learning and communication skills. In addition, Business English and Business German are also offered as optional modules.

KCA has recently developed international cooperation within the framework of international programs financed by the European Commission, and since 2009, the cooperation has been realised due to the Erasmus Extended University Charter (255228-IC-1-2009-1-HR-ERASMUS-EUCX-1), awarded to the College by The EACEA which operates under supervision of the European Commission in Bruxelles. The Charter allows the College to organize preparatory visits, student mobility, teaching and other staff mobility in EU countries, financed by the Erasmus programme until the academic year 2013/2014.

A list of HE institution and companies that the KCA has signed bilateral agreements:

Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences, Wageningen, Netherlands (NL VELP05)

Mendel University, Brno, The Czech Republic (CZ BRNO02)

Faculty of Horticulture, Lednice, Brno, Czech Republic

University of Agribusiness and Rural Development, Plovdiv, Bulgaria (BG PLOVDIV09)

Instituto Politechnico de Castelo Branco, Castelo Branco, Portugal (PCASTELO01)

Univerza v Mariboru, Maribor, Slovenia (Sl MARIBOR01

University of Pannonia, Veszprem, Hungary (HU VESZPRE 01)

Kaposvar University, Kaposvar, Hungary (HU KAPOSVA01)

Savon ammati-ja aikuisopisto, Muuruvesi College, Muuruvesi, Finland

King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand

Zeleni hit, Ljubljana

If applicable, please describe your institution's strategy for the organisation and implementation of international (EU and non-EU) cooperation projects in teaching and training in relation to projects implemented under the Programme:

KCA Development Strategy outlines the following objectives and activities that KCA wants to achieve through international cooperation: to sign agreements on cooperation with institutions from the region which have strategic importance for the College; direct cooperation with HE institutions from abroad in delivering joint study programmes or organising workshops; to adapt modules to similar ones at the agricultural or similar HE institutions abroad; to achieve an appropriate level of KCA international (EU and non-EU) strategy.

Please explain the expected impact of your participation in the Programme on the modernisation of your institution (for each of the 5 priorities of the Modernisation Agenda*) in terms of the policy objectives you intend to achieve.

KCA wants to contribute to its modernisation and internationalisation mentioned in the fundamental five principles of the Agenda. regarding the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education

KCA degree study courses are designed in a way that one academic year of two semesters corresponds to 60 ECTS credits, which is mostly the same in the EU HE institutions, thus facilitating recognition.

The courses are structured within modular framework, and credits are allocated to different levels of courses against a standard Bologna model of 60 ECTS credits per year .Since 2005, the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), the three cycle system and the Diploma Supplement were introduced.

The college will carry out mobility only within the framework of prior agreements between institutions. These agreements establish the respective roles and responsibilities of the different parties, as well as their commitment to shared quality criteria in the selection, preparation, reception and integration of mobile participants.

In order to start mobility activities, KCA has been actively pursuing bilateral agreements with European higher education institutions (HEIs). Until now, KCA has signed 20 inter-institutional agreements with HEIs which are holders of Erasmus University Charter in programme countries, two with institutions in non-participating countries and two agreements with enterprises. Strengthening of international mobility will raise the general standard of education at KCA and language proficiency and intercultural competences among students and staff. It will also facilitate development and harmonization of curricula.

Furthermore, KCA considers student and staff mobility an excellent opportunity to initiate joint projects, joint degree courses and networking. The agreements identify shared quality requirements indicating the contact details of those responsible for their implementation, also criteria for the nomination of students and teaching staff, including the necessary linguistic competences.

When participating in mobility activities - during mobility

KCA will provide assistance related to obtaining visas, when required, for incoming and outgoing mobile participants; provide assistance related to obtaining insurance, when required, for incoming and outgoing mobile participants; ensure equal academic treatment and services for home students and staff and incoming mobile participants; integrate incoming mobile participants into the Institution’s everyday life; have in place appropriate mentoring and support arrangements for mobile participants.

The College assists in getting Erasmus mobility. Participation is ensured by providing comprehensive and quality information to students and staff. Erasmus coordinator provides help in a complicated administrative process, makes first contacts with foreign institutions and mentors, also with enterprises, providing assistance in obtaining visas and additional financial support. Outgoing students are supplied with necessary information and advices and are supervised by appointed tutors.

Monitoring is done through e-mail and phone calls, and visits by authorised staff. Incoming students are tutored by KCA staff, Erasmus coordinator and student union representatives. KCA arranges accommodation for incoming Erasmus students and teachers.

When participating in mobility activities - after mobility

KCA will accept all activities indicated in the learning agreement as counting towards the degree, provided these have been satisfactorily completed by the mobile students; The College will provide incoming mobile participants and their home institutions with transcripts containing a full, accurate record of their achievements at the end of their mobility period.

When participating in European and international cooperation projects

Placements and study periods in the framework of Erasmus are unconditionally recognised in the study curriculum. The college recognises the mobility period abroad, and all the credits earned by the mobile student during the mobility period are recognised and counted towards the final degree. KCA will support the reintegration of mobile participants and give them the opportunity, upon return, to build on their experiences for the benefit of the Institution.

KCA will ensure that staff are given recognition for their teaching and training activities undertaken during the mobility period, based on a mobility agreement. KCA actively supports staff mobility by including different measures encouraging mobility. Staff mobility is acknowledged as part of the regular workload, and is recognised as a component in any evaluation or assessment of the staff.

When participating in European and international cooperation projects

KCA will ensure that cooperation leads to sustainable and balanced outcomes for all partners, and will provide relevant support to staff and students participating in these activities. Participation in the projects will be integrated in the KCA modernisation and internationalisation strategy. The foreseen results should lead to future development of KCA international involvement and to strategic partnerships. KCA sees these projects as an important aspect of the professional staff development and of its modernisation. KCA will promote consistently all its international activities and will display the Charter and the related Erasmus Policy Statement prominently on the Institution's website.

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